Array Production

Scalable Manufacturing Platform

Scale your throughput without scaling your cost. Array Production Systems can deliver over 5,000 parts per day to enable you to bring 3D printing to your factory floor.

Array Production

Array Production Systems can deliver over 5,000 parts per day, scale your throughput and hit your cost targets.

Scale Image

Connect Canvas and Array Production with your existing infrastructure to future-proof your supply chain.

Integrate Image

With one operator able to run the equivalent of 250 3D printers, 3D printing large production volumes is finally possible.

Automate Image
Scale Image
Integrate Image
Automate Image

Calculate your throughput and cost

Completely change the economics of your 3D printing operation by leveraging Array Production's high throughput and low-cost base. Input your best estimates in our total cost per part calculator and we'll compile a report to  give you a sense of how Array will revolutionize 3D printing for your application. Looking for a more in-depth, custom analysis? Email our team at

Array Cost and Throughput Calculator

Step 1/4

1. Select Materials

Choose up to 5

Please select an option to continue

2. Indicate # of prints/month

(For this year)

Please select an option to continue

3. Indicate # of prints/month

(Next year)

Please select an option to continue

4. What is the average print time for each of your prints?


Please select an option to continue

Inquire about Array Production

High throughput. Low Cost. No downtime.

Array Production