November Fulfillment Update!

November Fulfillment Update!

Happy Halloween everyone!

To get in the spirit around the office we used Palette to print a jack-o-lantern!

Not only was Monday Halloween, but it was also a big day for shipping at Mosaic! We boxed up 50 Palettes and they are scheduled to be picked up tomorrow. That means backers 1 through 269 who have paid their shipping invoices will have a Palette heading their way!

Palettes waiting to be boxed up!

Scroll Wheels assigned to Palettes waiting to be added to the packages.


The first 34 of the shipment waiting to be picked up!

This new shipment brings total Palette released into the wild to 109, with just fewer than 70 of those shipped in the last month. We are just under halfway through fulfilling the campaign!  

QC testing continues to move slowly. However, we’re passing about 15 Palettes per week and are hoping to make some changes that will increase that to 25 over the coming weeks. That sets us up to finish delivery of the campaign by the end of the year! 

We will be sending out PayPal invoices for shipping when we anticipate your order will be ready to ship in the following two weeks. Backer numbers 273 – 307 can expect an invoice soon! As a general estimate, North American shipment costs have been 40-55 CAD and worldwide shipments have been 100-200 CAD.

Mosaic Manufactured

We recently released a new section our website to show off things that can be made with Palette! Our in-house industrial designer, Javen, has been hard at work creating the first two projects:


Koselig is a 3D printed shade that is designed to have two levels of brightness depending on its orientation. It was printed with colorFabb natural and woodFill filaments on a Type A Machines Series 1 Pro with Palette.  

The model was designed in OnShape and is available here. STL files are available here.

Embedded Key Covers:


This project was inspired by this video by Devin. Check out his channel, it's amazing! These were designed in OnShape, sliced in S3D and printed on a Type A Series 1 Pro with Palette.


Software Updates

Later this week, and to accompany the shipment of Palettes, we are also releasing an update to Chroma and Firmware! We have further streamlined the setup process to help first time users get printing as easily as possible. 


  • support for 32-bit Windows
  • side transitions, an experimental new method of transitioning splices that can be used instead of transition towers 
  • Some notes about Side Transitions:available in Advanced Mode, not all printers can perform side transitions — your printer must be able to extrude over at least one edge of its bed, side transitions can drastically reduce print times and filament usage in some cases, but may decrease calibration and can affect your printer's performance — *use with caution and be prepared to tinker!*
  • more transition settings, available in Advanced Mode:maximum transition tower density (use if you experience warping issues with 100% dense tower layers), target position within the transition (use if you experience frequent transition bleed)
  • support for the new splice heat factorintroduced in Palette firmware 1.2 
  • a utility to automatically convert your slicer profileto work with Chroma: Simplify3D's *.fff, and Cura's *.ini files
  • pings are no longer generated during the last part of a print where Palette has finished
  • print summaryis displayed when output is saved
  • improved calibration wizard:new GIFs throughout the wizard provide better visual cues
  • before flashing firmware, detect and give a warning when multiple Arduinos are plugged in
  • faster application launch and other UI improvements to make things snappier
  • the usual slew of stability and other under-the-hood improvements


  • at the end of a print, the last piece of filament is fed out of Palette as your printer consumes filament
  • the loading screen gives more contextual information to the user when displaying the Loading offset
  • SD card workflowhas been improved a lot, users can now remove and insert the card after Palette has been turned on (much nicer to use)
  • temperature readings are much more accurate:Palette used to read 210 degrees as 235 degrees, now it reads 210 as 210!
  • button and navigation is more responsive
  • splice heat factor: you can increase the time spent heating during a splice in Chroma which required a new revision of the MSF file. Palette is still compatible with all of your previous MSF files 
  • lots of UI improvements
  • usage statistics:the second screen in the diagnostics menu will show the total number of splices and the total length of filament that your Palette has made 

Hope you have a great November! If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out and we will get back to you as soon as possible!  
